Glass pot with a plan growing and coin instead of soil showcasing growth
Money is in the List — Bhartesh Shetty

“Money is in the List” -List Building for Starters

What Is List Building All About?

Bhartesh Shetty
3 min readJul 14, 2020


List building is the action of collecting email addresses to grow your mailing list. List building is an important aspect of your overall email marketing efforts, and it is all about using different types of lead generation strategies to attract qualified leads and to incentivize them to join your contact list

Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

How Does It Work?

List building works by using a wide variety of tactics and strategies to convince people to give you their email address. This incentive can be anything of value to the user, such as an eBook download, a discount code, an invitation to an insider program, or an invitation to join a newsletter where you send content updates straight to the user’s email inbox

Once they submit their email address, the user becomes an email lead, a truly valuable asset for your business because then you can start using email marketing strategies to further move that lead down your sales funnel.

What’s more, once a user makes a purchase after joining your list, you can start sending them even more targeted offers based on their own purchase and other inbox behaviours.

93% of B2B marketers use email to distribute content


Why Should You Consider List Building For Your Business?

  • List building provides your business with a wider outreach & List building provides your business with a wider outreach
  • List building gives you a quicker, more efficient way to qualify your leads
  • List building lets you create a buyer persona because it gives you a direct line of communication with a potential client
  • This style of personalized communication makes it easy for you to create a client profile based on their preferences
  • It’s cost-effective because it helps you start and build a permanent marketing and communications channel with your clients that won’t cost you as much as advertising

For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42.


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

What’s The Future For List Building?

The future of list building is an exciting mix of Artificial Intelligence, Deep learning and automation, bringing more dynamic email experiences. The increase in computer processing power and enhanced connectivity and intelligence is making it possible for online marketing companies to create dynamic funnels that gamify the user experience so moving leads through a conversion funnel is fun and simple to achieve, reducing abandonment and increasing conversion rates

Data is the New Oil and List is the best oil out there today

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Are you ready to take your first step into this exciting journey?



Bhartesh Shetty

I Am A Ordinary Man Who Every Moment Endeavours To Make Extraordinary Decisions